Rockefeller Statement on Confirmation of Former Senator Hagel as Defense Secretary


Date: Feb. 26, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense

Senator Jay Rockefeller today issued the following statement after the Senate voted to confirm former Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) as U.S. Secretary of Defense.

"I've known Chuck Hagel since his days on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. He has firsthand knowledge of intelligence and military issues from his service in the Vietnam War. He led and managed a successful company for 15 years. He was a thoughtful and bipartisan leader during his time in the Senate, particularly when dealing with intelligence oversight. And I have no doubt that will continue while he is Defense Secretary. Chuck Hagel has fought for this country on the battlefield and off it. He's the right person to keep fighting for us at the Defense Department and it's good news for this country that he's finally been confirmed."
